Cooper/T. Smith is one of America’s oldest and largest stevedoring and maritime related firms.
Cooper/T. Smith is one of America’s oldest and largest stevedoring and maritime related firms. Cooper/T. Smith now has operations on all three U.S. coasts encompassing thirty-eight ports, and has foreign operations in Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Canada and Mexico. The company also maintains ownership in numerous satellite companies, complementing the multi-faceted maritime objectives.
Cooper/T. Smith is a progressive and innovative organization employing thousands worldwide. It’s subsidiaries include warehousing, insurance, terminal operations, tugboats, push boats, barging, barge fleeting, floating terminals, and the most recent acquisition of Kimberly Clark’s Marine & Timberlands Division, now renamed Cooper Marine & Timberlands Corporation. In fact, the company impacts an astonishing array of industries throughout the country, from agriculture and energy to chemicals and construction.
Stevedoring is still a central part of Cooper’s business. The company’s state of the art equipment and automation provide customers with fast and cost effective movement of cargo to and from ships at port. Cooper/T. Smith prides itself on its ability to operate globally. “We have huge barge mounted cranes that can be transported anywhere a customer needs the service,” says David Cooper. “The company’s barge mounted cranes can be sent virtually anywhere in the world in forty-five days or less. Our people can also help clients adapt or modify their own equipment and facilities to significantly enhance their performance.”
Today, at the foot of Government Street in Mobile, Cooper Riverside Park honors the memory of Ervin S. Cooper (1911 – 1982). There, a bronze statue of Ervin Cooper presides over the area. Within, he is immortalized sitting on a Waterman Steamship Company bench gazing over the Mobile River which has meant so much to the Cooper family.
Earning a worldwide reputation for lasting partnerships and high quality service, Angus Cooper II and David Cooper plan to make this century of the business just as exciting as the last.
Keywords: stevedoring